It takes a Village!
It takes many volunteers, elected officials, and employees to keep a town safe, comfortable, and growing for its' residents! The Village of Harristown has many such people doing just that.
Everything starts at the Village of Harristown Office. We are your resource for information and questions about our local government as well as services offered in our community. Home to the Mayor, Board of Trustees, and other service departments, we welcome you to our village and encourage you to call or stop by during business hours!

Village Hall
Frequently Asked Questions
What time is the Village Office open?
The Village Office is open from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday. We are closed Saturday and Sunday
How do I pay my water bill?
Water Bills can be paid Online through our website, under residents, mailed to the Village of Harristown, dropbox at the Village Office, or in person when the Village Office is open.